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Weird and wonderful insurance claims

John Hardiman

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

The Insurely team have been in insurance for many years and we have seen interesting claims in our time. A few years ago Marc had to lodge his own claim for 'dog eats bumper' when his young Spaniel developed a penchant for the taste of his new Kia Cerato.

Don't Call the Cow

Mobile phones are one of the most common reasons to make an insurance claim, all over the world.

One famous case stood out from the usual dropped or stolen storylines the accompany most claims. A farmer in the UK was helping one of his cows through the birth of its calf. As most people know, this is usually a fairly ‘hands-on’ affair at the best of times, but this particular farmer somehow forgot to put his phone down before getting stuck into his work. The phone was then ‘lost’ inside the poor cow – we just hope there weren’t too many calls received before the battery ran out!

Only In America

From the ‘only in America’ file: A man in the US had just finished robbing a house in Pennsylvania, when he realised he was trapped in the garage, owing to a faulty garage door opener. Unfortunately for him, the owners were on holiday and weren’t due back for a whole week.

The burglar managed to get his sticky fingers into some soft drinks and dog biscuits that were stored in the garage, so he was able to survive the ordeal, only to be arrested when the family returned. So where does insurance factor in here? The burglar rather boldly decided to sue the homeowners through their domestic policy for mental anguish suffered from his week-long ordeal. To the astonishment of many, he was awarded US$500k for his efforts…

Goose Stole My Ring

One woman filed an insurance claim after a goose swallowed her diamond ring. She searched through its droppings for a few weeks until the goose flew away and never did find the ring. Gross!

It might be time to consider Wedding insurance

A newly married couple were enjoying the festivities at their destination wedding on a beach, when the bride’s dress got too close to an open flame and started to go up in smoke, with her very much still wearing it. Luckily the new groom was on the ball and bravely hurled his new bride into the ocean

Whether she appreciated the act is not known but she will have definitely appreciated the insurance policy that picked up the bill!

Get in Touch With Insurely

Weird claims or standard claims, the Insurely team are here to help. Insurely are fully independent commercial insurance brokers that tailor insurance programmes to your exact needs. Get in touch with us via our website, LinkedIn or Facebook

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